How long do you want to live? Calculate your life expectancy!

The average life expectancy in Germany is 76. In order to estimate your predicted life expectancy, you can enter your information in the table below. The most important factors are your age, the age of your grandparents, whether you are possibly severely over- or underweight, and whether or not you smoke. Eating habits, your cholesterol levels and your overall level of health are not taken into consideration.
Your gender:
Male - 3
Female + 4
Where do you live?
Large city with over 2 million people - 2
Small city with under 10,000 people + 2
The age of your grandparents:
One over 80 + 2
All over 80 + 6
Athletic activities:
At least 2-3 times weekly + 2
More than 2 packs of cigarettes daily - 8
1-2 packs - 6
1 pack - 3
More than 25 kg - 8
High school degree? + 1


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